Family Reunions

The next reunion

July 12, 2025

Effie, Mary, Frank, Jimmy, Susie, Tony, Rosie, Pat, Joe, Christy

Family Reunions… a time to get together. A time to reminisce. A time to rejoice in the arrival of new family members and a time to remember those departed. Most of all a time to celebrate the special bond we all share. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and relive the Gurto Family Reunions. The music on each page might help to take you back to the year.

After the deaths of Peter and Mary in December 1971 and February 1972, respectively, the 10 Gurto children decided to hold annual family reunions so that the family would not drift apart. They decided that each of the 10 would host a reunion.

Names were put into a hat and drawn as to the order of hosting. The first name to be drawn was that of Jimmy Gurto. It was decided that the reunion would be held on the second Saturday of July each year. That date was chosen because it was the closest date to Peter and Mary’s wedding anniversary. July 7.

Click a year to the left to see where they were held, who attended and any other information that I could find