Gurto Seniors


Peter and Mary were married on July 7, 1917. Over the next 21 years they had 12 children.  Sadly, 2 of the children died as babies.  The rest went on to have families of their own.
As these 10 children grew older and had children and grandchildren of their own, the way to refer to them became confusing.  Were they the children?.. the parents?… the grandparents?  To end the confusion we now refer to them as…
The Seniors…


The first generation of American Gurtos.  Our parents, our grandparents, and now our great grandparents.  As I write this on August 28, 1999, eight of the seniors seem poised to see us into the 21st century.
There’s something about them. They have all done their part to keep the family together. It was the seniors who decided to hold the reunions.  And after 28 years the reunions are still going strong. 


Update: March 13, 2024: Much has changed in the 25 years since I wrote those words.  The Seniors are all gone now excepting Frank’s two ex-wives, Carol and Joyce.


The photos of the 10 Gurto Seniors below were all taken in 1979 at Aunt Sue’s reunion at Buck Lake Estates in Kingsville, Ohio by Lynn Gurto. This is how most of us remember them.  

This year’s (2024) reunion is #53

Click the box below each Senior's photo below to view their family photos